Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fleetwood Mac

Eager to escape even the memory of her, he found himself running for hours. Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd screaming in his ears; the bands she would never listen to with him. His legs numb from the effort, his breath growing more shallow with every step, but his mind still determined to exhaust him past the point of dreaming. He couldn't take another night of smelling her perfume, being caught in her gaze, hearing her apologize and then waking to emptiness and the knowledge she would never be sorry.


Anonymous said...

He did well. Imagine living with someone who does not like Zeppelin and Floyd.

TC said...

I liked the fact that you included him making sure he listened to music she didn't like. That's rare, and sometimes tough to do.

Short, sweet and only a day late ;-)

[I'm STILL, after almost a year of doing this, petitioning to get it moved to Thursday with no success. I'm not sure why: most of us post on Thursday anyway 8-)]

Bone said...

And while he ran, he thought of Jenny.


Sorry, my first thought was Forrest Gump. I don't think I've ever heard a Pink Floyd song O:)

Anonymous said...
